Wednesday 5 March 2008

Peter's art exhibition - -

At the first sight I first saw your art exhibition; my mind said ‘that does not look like a bed room shelf.’ But then I have a question that how I expect it to be and I have to say to myself that I do not know either.

While I was watching at your pictures, I can not decide that they are art or not. And then I have the new question that what is art, is it has to be only beautiful things and how we judge things that it is beautiful. I was confused.

I consider about it all the time I was watching at your exhibition and when I finished watching it, I got an idea to answer my question. I think art is everything. It is up to the person’s vision that judge that its art or not. May be I said it is art but he or she might not agree with me, same as beauty.

Anyway, I think your exhibition is good. Some of pictures are attractive, for me. I like the way you put numbers below your work and gift us descriptions because it makes your pictures look more real, interesting and exciting.

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