Thursday 15 November 2007

My Parents **--**

My parent’s opinions

It is clear that parents always make a decision for their family so their opinions will absolutely affect family. Sometimes the member might do not like it, so do I. Let’s see my parents’ opinion.

My parents think that today’s society isn’t very good. It was too dangerous for me and my brother to go out alone by ourselves. They are worried by all the news in the newspaper and televisions which I think that it is too much. I think that the news won’t present good side in society so often because bad news will be more interested by readers and they can sell more newspapers. I have told them my opinion but they still worried about it. May be they think I am not old enough.

It is not all the time that I disagree with their opinions but sometimes I do agree with them such as their thinking about their lifestyle. They are not too tight about their work. They always have time to relax but they still have done their work. They said that money is not an answer for everything which I exactly agree with them.

However, you can obviously see that even in a family there still have many opinions .It is because there are more than one person in family and people don’t have the same characters and experiences. But it doesn’t mean that you have to argue all the times what you should do is sit down, talk together and respect each other opinion. (That is what my parents do too!)


POON-Thai said...

I think the justified things are not always the things that we like. Sometimes my parents order me to do what I do not want to do. However, I follow their order because I think that they have more experience than me so it does not matter to follow their decision on any matter and I think that nobody love and sincere to me as much as them do. So the thing that your parents think is true to be careful on living in society nowadays. Though our parents sometimes worry too much, but I still follow their order, in case of anything happens wrong, we cannot turn back to change anything.

So I choose to follow my parents’ decision or opinion now. When I grow up to be an adult, I can decide that my parents’ opinion, decision or anything is true or not.

jan_january said...

Wow! Your writing is very good. I totally agreed with you that parents do care about their children a lot and sometimes it’s just too much. Anyway we knew that they love us and that is the reason of all why they have to worry about us so much. I thought that you were right about the opinion things that each person has different character and experiences so that made each person different from each other. It wasn’t wrong that in our family we don’t have the same idea, it was completely normal and I believed that everyone should have the experiences that your ideal is not the same as other. We should shared the ideal in the house what each person think and we should know and accept that our parent ideal is the main ideal of the house and that’s just because they are our parent, they had more experiences and they knew better what is right or what is wrong. We are son and daughter, our job is to be a good kid for our parents.
Be a good girl, Jane.