Thursday 1 November 2007


One of my dreams is to go abroad for a year, to have new experiences in another country. I think that if I can do that I will receive many things, more than the third language. AFS, which is an organization that gives scholarships for students who want to go abroad, can perhaps give me a chance to make my dream comes true.

I got the first test in July which tested you about English and some general knowledge and I passed this test. I was very happy.

The second round began in August, it was the oral test, if I passed this test, I would get a scholarship to go abroad. They would judge you by your thought and how you solved problems in situations more than your English ability.

I was very nervous all the time and it made me do the activities very bad. I managed my mind when doing things. One of my problems is I don’t like acting in front of many people and being watched by someone all the time. So, when I was told to act like the word they told me and let my friends in the same group guess it, I just stood there and couldn’t do anything. That made me more worried. When I was called to be interviewed by the officers, I was extremely nervous and discouraged. I could not answer the questions clearly. Things were getting worse.

After I finished the interview, I was very disappointed and wanted to quit. But after the lunch break, I had more willpower because I thought that I would be more disappointed if I could not go abroad because I had not tried my best in this test. So, when I went back, I did better in the last activity.

At last I was very pleased with the result even is I was in a reserve place.


-ShiKi- said...

Yes, I agree with you that if we can live in another country we will get good things more than language. My mother used to say that it does not important if we go to abroad and we will improve language, it is important to manage your life and know to live by your own without your parents.

I like your opinion about if you did something made you disappointed, it will be worse you did not do something even try. Many times I wanted to go to the past because I never done something that I want to do but I never. If I think same as you I would never felt disappointed like this again and again.

Thai_Gee_Sha-Hrim-Kho said...

Hi Jane, this is Googee.
You’ve already known that I’ve joined the AFS too. When I had the interview test in was nervous, but I like to acting in front of many people because it made me feel good and excited to be another person that was not me. If you don’t like to acting in front of many people it didn’t matter, I think that just be yourself was the best thing to do on your interview test. I think they would choose students who be themselves and have high self-confidence not the person who could do the acting very well and I knew that you must get the chance to joined the scholarship. I wish that your father will allow you to join that.