Thursday 11 October 2007

***- - -CULTURE - - -***

For me, culture has a big meaning and is very complex. Each country has their own culture and it comes from many things that get mixed up together, such as languages, behavior , and it always changes.

As I have said, culture always changes because of many factors. It always transports to others country gradually, some is mixed up to be a new one and some just comes and goes like a fashion. For example, Indian culture has come to Thailand and took ages to be part of our culture. You can see it from some of our special events. Another example, is Japanese culture that has just come in for years and slowly gets into teenagers' culture. Time also makes culture develop. For instance, Languages have been changing a lot, what we are saying now is not the same as in the past ,such as we do not use the word 'thee', which means you ,anymore.

We have many cultures around the world and there are differences between cultures. For example, Thais have to “Wai” when we meet each other but Americans and British just say “hi” or “hello”. Moreover, things that are good in your culture, maybe it will be bad in others.

All the cultures have beautiful sides and unpleasant sides. Some cultures develop to be worse and some develop to be better. Things always happen around us, we have to make a decision that we will accept it or not.

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