Thursday 15 November 2007

My Parents **--**

My parent’s opinions

It is clear that parents always make a decision for their family so their opinions will absolutely affect family. Sometimes the member might do not like it, so do I. Let’s see my parents’ opinion.

My parents think that today’s society isn’t very good. It was too dangerous for me and my brother to go out alone by ourselves. They are worried by all the news in the newspaper and televisions which I think that it is too much. I think that the news won’t present good side in society so often because bad news will be more interested by readers and they can sell more newspapers. I have told them my opinion but they still worried about it. May be they think I am not old enough.

It is not all the time that I disagree with their opinions but sometimes I do agree with them such as their thinking about their lifestyle. They are not too tight about their work. They always have time to relax but they still have done their work. They said that money is not an answer for everything which I exactly agree with them.

However, you can obviously see that even in a family there still have many opinions .It is because there are more than one person in family and people don’t have the same characters and experiences. But it doesn’t mean that you have to argue all the times what you should do is sit down, talk together and respect each other opinion. (That is what my parents do too!)

Thursday 1 November 2007


One of my dreams is to go abroad for a year, to have new experiences in another country. I think that if I can do that I will receive many things, more than the third language. AFS, which is an organization that gives scholarships for students who want to go abroad, can perhaps give me a chance to make my dream comes true.

I got the first test in July which tested you about English and some general knowledge and I passed this test. I was very happy.

The second round began in August, it was the oral test, if I passed this test, I would get a scholarship to go abroad. They would judge you by your thought and how you solved problems in situations more than your English ability.

I was very nervous all the time and it made me do the activities very bad. I managed my mind when doing things. One of my problems is I don’t like acting in front of many people and being watched by someone all the time. So, when I was told to act like the word they told me and let my friends in the same group guess it, I just stood there and couldn’t do anything. That made me more worried. When I was called to be interviewed by the officers, I was extremely nervous and discouraged. I could not answer the questions clearly. Things were getting worse.

After I finished the interview, I was very disappointed and wanted to quit. But after the lunch break, I had more willpower because I thought that I would be more disappointed if I could not go abroad because I had not tried my best in this test. So, when I went back, I did better in the last activity.

At last I was very pleased with the result even is I was in a reserve place.

Thursday 11 October 2007

***- - -CULTURE - - -***

For me, culture has a big meaning and is very complex. Each country has their own culture and it comes from many things that get mixed up together, such as languages, behavior , and it always changes.

As I have said, culture always changes because of many factors. It always transports to others country gradually, some is mixed up to be a new one and some just comes and goes like a fashion. For example, Indian culture has come to Thailand and took ages to be part of our culture. You can see it from some of our special events. Another example, is Japanese culture that has just come in for years and slowly gets into teenagers' culture. Time also makes culture develop. For instance, Languages have been changing a lot, what we are saying now is not the same as in the past ,such as we do not use the word 'thee', which means you ,anymore.

We have many cultures around the world and there are differences between cultures. For example, Thais have to “Wai” when we meet each other but Americans and British just say “hi” or “hello”. Moreover, things that are good in your culture, maybe it will be bad in others.

All the cultures have beautiful sides and unpleasant sides. Some cultures develop to be worse and some develop to be better. Things always happen around us, we have to make a decision that we will accept it or not.

Thursday 4 October 2007

What society expects for me..

Society consists of many people and I am in this society. My mom and dad, teachers and friends are also in this society. Now, lets see what they expect from me.

Starting with my parents, most of the time, I do not feel any expectations from them. They let me choose things by myself. For example, what I want to wear and what I want to learn. I think that my parents are same as other parents because they want us to be a good person, not doing thingsthat hurt anybody else. If it is true that they have only one expectation, which is being good, I will be very happy because I can design my life by myself and they will not keep telling me what I have to do. However, I am very young and do not have many experiences. Sometimes I might do things that I think that are good but in fact, are not. If my mom and dad know that, they are going to point these wrong things out to me.

For friends and teachers, it is harder to know what they expect of me. But, I think that they just expect me to be good, not hurt anyone else, as my mom and dad do.

Thursday 20 September 2007

Me, today

Young People Today

As you know, I am 15 years old, so I am in the group of teenagers. I think that young people today haven’t change so much from the past. They also love fashions and being trendy as we do. However, now things change so fast ,so some of them can’t catch what we are doing now.

Teenagers,both now and in the past, have good and bad sides. In my opinion, young people can do good or bad by their decisions. Sometime the decisions depend on information too, so I think that we have more chances than people did in the past because we find information everywhere around us which can help us know what is good for ourselves.

One problem of being young people today is alcoholic drinks. Some of them are addicted to alcoholic drinks and some of them can’t control themselves after drinking it. This causes many problems forsociety such as committing a crime or making the car crash. The too open fashion also makes rapes happen more easily.

Using too much money for things that are not needed is the problem too ,because now we can’t make our own money. It’s not weird that teenagers love shopping and new things ,but some of them just stick with the brand which is too expensive for their age. And, when they grow up ,they won’t know how to keep the money because when they were young they can’t ask for it whenever they want from their parents.

Anyway, these things won’t happen if we think more carefully. All ages of people can make mistakes, I also make mistakes. Nevertheless, we should learn from it and not do it again.


Saturday 15 September 2007

sawasdee ka

Hi ,You guys.
Welcome to my blog.

My name is Jane . I'm from Thailand.
Now I am in year 10 and studying in sceince class.

I love handcraft things and I love to do it in my free time.
I also love reading books and chatting on msn too.

My favourite sport is basketball.I love to play it but I don't like to watch it so much.Even I play it everyday after school but my sport skill is still very bad I don't know why. It was sad news for me and my friends to hear that next week the gym where we play basketball will be closed. Now start playing 8 balls and 9 balls a types of billiard ,it is really fun for me. I feel very happy when I make the ball run into the hole or when I win the game.

I love to listen to songs too. I like a singer who has a powerful voice ,such as Christina Aguilera, Joss Stone , Jennifer Kim and Amy Lee.I can listen to all kinds of music but my favourites are 'And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going' and 'A whole new world'.My all time favorite movie is 'The Sound Of Music. '

I am making this blog because of my English subject.I will write several essays in this blog.
Hope you enjoy it.
It will please for me , if you leave a comment saying that you like it or not.